The appropriately named Incredibowl is the brainchild of Incredibowl Industries, LLC. Ever since the company was established in March 2009, it has remained firmly committed to providing the public with a host of smoking products that embody sheer technological innovation while maintaining the simplicity and ergonomics that make them ideally suited for anyone to use. Their uniquely innovative pipes definitely hold up the Boulder, Colorado Company’s tradition admirably.
NHM Distributing is an authorized seller of wholesale Incredibowl Industries. If you sell the Incredibowl then avoid any shipping delays and buy wholesale from us, always in stock and usually with same day shipping!
Deluxe Kit & Packages
The Incredibowl Deluxe kits include not only the steamroller device but also various accessories all packaged nicely in a hard plastic case.
Incredibowl m420
Incredible i420
In 2009, Incredibowl Industries, LLC was founded in Boulder, Colorado. They had a dream to change the smoker’s experience, and with their unique apparatus design, the company would do just that.
The design team made a goal to create a product that would last a lifetime and have a refreshing smoke every time. The rugged design boasts a chamber made of shatterproof polycarbonate, and the external parts are made from high-grade aluminum to prevent damage. The internal mechanics were specifically created to reduce tar and toxins from getting drawn into the lungs, and the simple, consumer-focused approach to smoke delivery offers a unique, refreshing way to smoke.
What’s more, the simple design lends itself to customization and makes maintenance easy. Add-ons, pieces and parts sold separately are all available with the same design-it-right philosophy that makes the Incredibowl system every smoker’s friend.
At 2009 High Times Cup in Amsterdam, the Incredibowl won third place in the Best Glass category and second in Best New Product. It later went on to win first place for Best Product at the 2014 Denver High Times Cup. But no award speaks as highly as the acclaim of users and the satisfaction of long-time owners of Incredibowl products.
How Does The Incredibowl Work?
- Light the bowl on the suction side while drawing smoke from the mouth opening on the chosen Incredibowl piece.
- Before smoke fills the chamber, it spirals through the nozzle, which cools the smoke as it moves along into the chamber. This allows tars and residue to solidify, remaining behind on the screen as smoke passes through, ready to be comfortably, even refreshingly, smoked.
- The smoke cools down further as it fills and moves around the chamber.
- Pulling open the carb boosts airflow into and through the chamber to cool the smoke more and allow a smooth, clean experience when the smoke is inhaled.