Dabbing Hat Pins
NHM Distributing is proud to announce our jump on one of the fattest trending items – hat pins. Our first line is produced by Herbivore Designs who provides licensed and colab dabbing pins. With pins dedicated to Cheech & Chong and some best selling brands like Nogoo Non-stick, Silver Surfer Vaporizer, KO Domeless nail, iBake and more.
With 10 different designs these rad little pins are ideal for displaying next to the register as an impulse purchase that earns you 200% profit!
Wholesale Hat Pins Details:
- 100 Hat Pins, FREE Display
- High Profit Margins
- #1 Trending Smoke Shop Impulse Purchase
- Counter Top Display To Drive Sales
- Inventory & Display Take Up Minimal Space
Pre-order now and save 25%
*discount will be taken off final invoice
Order Wholesale Hat Pins Here:
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